The research group TRIPTIC-EU within the Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought IP CAS is organising the 28th Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale: Communities of Debate: Collective Intellectual Practice in Medieval Philosophical Thought.
The colloquium will take place on 4-6 September 2024 and will be hosted by the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. We invite paper proposals containing a (preliminary) title, an abstract of 300–400 words in English or French, the proposed speaker’s name, current position, academic affiliation, and contact details. Selected articles based on the papers will be published in the peer-reviewed series Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale (Brepols).
Please submit your proposals to or by 31 January 2024. Applicants will be notified by the end of February 2024.
Call for Papers
Although scholars in the middle ages are often presented as lone actors who produced highly-individual texts, their works are often the result of several levels of collective work that provided the necessary foundation for their independent effort, as well as the production and sharing of texts and knowledge. This colloquium aims to explore different aspects of the spectrum of collective intellectual endeavours, particularly in university settings in Latin Europe and relevant institutions of learning in the Hebrew, Greek and Arabic linguistic cultures.
Suitable topics for papers include the collective intellectual practices within debating communities and their historical reconstructions. Papers could explore the different types of debates and exercises in which scholars in larger or smaller communities participated. Of equal interest are doctrinal and other analyses of the texts that contributed to, or even conditioned, collective practice, such as records of disputations and discussions between two or more masters or texts that contain collective works by medieval scholars. Collectivity can also be seen in argumentation and theory-building, since arguments were often shared within the scholarly community, sometimes in the form of mere dicta, and yet at the same time were used to support quite different doctrinal positions. Thus the scope of this colloquium includes mapping the development of these arguments and how and why the scholarly community used them. Likewise welcome are historical reconstructions of the collective use of whole works or translations for the preparation of commentaries, and the dissemination of these commentaries among scholarly communities (e.g., for teaching purposes).
The colloquium invites proposals on various aspects of collectivity in medieval thought, including those not explicitly mentioned here. While the focus is on philosophy, proposals related to medieval science, natural philosophy, medicine, law, and philosophical theology are also welcome.
Further Information
Local organiser
Ota Pavlíček
Scientific committee
Luigi Campi, Miroslav Hanke, Barbora Kocánová, Lukáš Lička, Ota Pavlíček
You can apply for a Brepols-SIEPM stipend
To facilitate attendance at the Annual Colloquium, Brepols-SIEPM stipends are available for researchers under the age of 35 or from low-currency countries. The stipends are € 250, € 500, or € 750 if the journey is transcontinental. One need not be a current SIEPM member to apply for these stipends. Applications should be submitted via e-mail. For more information, see
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