The fifth in the series of the Digitizing the Past: Prague Talk on Digital Humanities talks, which took place on November 21, 2022 online, was dedicated to nodegoat, the web-based data management platform, developed by Pim van Bree and Geert Kessels from LAB1100.


Nodegoat is a web-based data management, network analysis, and visualisation environment which is conceptualised and maintained by LAB1100. Due to nodegoat’s ability to store, analyse, and visualise complex datasets, it is used by various research projects to analyse datasets ranging from catchment areas of medieval universities to networks of twentieth century hispanic cultural mediators.
Nodegoat allows you to define any number of custom data models and therefore to create the research environment based on the specific needs of your project. It can be used as a collaborative workspace to create, manage, analyse and visualise data, all of which will be presented during this workshop.



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